media & DISTRIBUTIONWynnewood North communicates with its members in multiple ways, including the following items:
In addition to the media platforms, Wynnewood North maintains a membership directory which is available online and hardcopy to member homes. TERMS AND CONDITIONS
CONTENT ContributionsNeighbors are invited to contribute to our website or newsletter by submitting articles to the Publications Director or Webmaster that follow submission guidelines. Content and Submission GuidelinesBecause of space restrictions for our hard-copy publications, we have a soft limit of 1000 words for articles. Longer articles are accepted, but may be divided into series or may be edited for the newsletter. Articles are always published in their entirety on our blog. Deadlines For inclusion in the newsletter, articles must be submitted prior to the 15th day of the last month of the quarter. Advertising / SPONSORSHIPNewsletterGuidelinesWe follow these guidelines regarding newsletter advertisements:
RatesThe following table reflects the advertising options, specifications, and rates for the newsletter.
*Width by Height †Assumes a minimum pixelation of 72 DPI. Higher resolution is possible as long as it follows the same pixelation ratio. For example the business card DPI ratio is 7:4 (252:144). Event Calendar FlyersGuidelinesWe follow these guidelines regarding Event Calendar Flyers advertisements:
RatesThe following table reflects the advertising options, specifications, and rates for the newsletter.