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Development of wynnewood north

Shortly after the end of World War II, Angus G. Wynne, Jr. acquired the American Home Realty Company and 820 acres that originally composed a local farm just south of the old Dallas, Clebourne & Rio Grande Railroad rail line on the border of Oak Cliff.  The 120 northernmost acres of this property would become Wynnewood North. 

Wynnewood North was developed as a modern development with efficient, well-designed, high quality houses located in a self-contained community complete with a nearby shopping center and convenient access to downtown. Located directly north of the Wynnewood Village Shopping Center, Wynnewood North’s larger lots and mature oak trees attracted both the noted architect, Bud Oglesby, as well as the Hare & Hare landscape architect firm. Today, with its large shaded lots, cohesive houses, and proximity to I-35, Wynnewood North neighborhood preserves the atmosphere and convenience of an original, post-war American suburb.

Our neighborhood is located in Oak Cliff north of the Wynnewood Village Shopping Center and was named "Best Neighborhood in Dallas" for 2012 by the Dallas Observer! The neighborhood is bound by Vernon Avenue on the west, Zang Boulevard on the east, West Illinois Avenue on the south, and West Clarendon Drive on the north. The 820 acres of the entire Wynnewood neighborhood originally belonged to farmer John M. Wright until 1913 when American Home Realty Company bought the land with plans for future development.

wynnewood north neighborhood association

Wynnewood North encompasses 300 homes located in North Oak Cliff on a hilly, scenic location. Recently we have been known in the press as the "neighborhood where friends are family". And clearly that is evident through the large participation of our neighborhood get-togethers, with neighbors who have grown-up in the neighborhood, and/or who have family still living in the neighborhood. Whether you are newcomers or old family friends, a friendly smile and a handshake are extended to all!

The Wynnewood North Neighborhood Association was created to promote and encourage the safety, improvement and beautification of the neighborhood. Membership is open to all residents or owners, over the age of 18, of property within the boundaries of the neighborhood and we always need volunteers for various projects, events or day-today activities. If you can help in anyway or are interested in serving on the board, let us know.

Find More Information about Wynnewood North at Preservation Dallas.

About us

Wynnewood North Neighborhood Association is an IRS designated 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 

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