Saturday, May 18, 2024
8 AM - 3 PM
Garage sales will be at individual homes throughout each neighborhood. WNNA will advertise on multiple sites. Signs will be posted at the main entrances of the neighborhood prior to the start time.
If you plan on having a sale or have any questions, please contact –
Denise Requardt / phone-text 214-801-1802
Send your address to Denise if you plan on having a garage sale so it can be added to the list on social media a few days prior.
In order to participate, you are REQUIRED to obtain a Dallas County garage sale permit.
Requests for GARAGE/ESTATE SALE permits by email and mail only. For additional information on garage sales: LINK
Download an application: LINK
Wynnewood North Neighborhood Association is an IRS designated 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
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