Wynnewood North Neighbors,
Would you enjoy a fun way to get to know the great people who call the rest of North Oak Cliff home? North Oak Cliff Happy Hour is a series of free gatherings hosted at private homes that we are all welcome to attend. This is a wonderful way to build a great sense of community with our other Oak Cliff friends and neighbors! Take a bottle of wine with you to share, run into people you already know, and make some fun new friends. No need to RSVP.

When: January 22, 5:30- 7:30 pm
Hosts:Susan Kohl & Vince Rowe
1209 Lausanne
Vince & Susan also host a fabulous Super Bowl party and everyone is invited. If you'd like to attend, please email Vince at vrowe@me.com and he'll send you an evite with all the details.
If you'd like to buy a Spanish kids book for Mike's birthday, that is next week's happy hour. They want to donate these to a school in Guatemala.
No need to RSVP, just show up with a bottle of wine to share. Feel free to invite a friend or neighbor that might have been left off the invitation list.
Thanks and have a good week.
Hosts are still needed for most dates in 2016, so please volunteer. I provide glasses, name tags and door mat. You provide simple snacks.